Our understanding of Interim Management encompasses temporary management, the deployment of experienced and proven management for time-critical executive tasks.
After senior roles within major multinational blue-chip and medium sized companies as Managing Directors, Board Members or Division Managers, we have fully confronted this type of new challenge and we are ready to combine Interim Management tasks with our international mergers and acquisition experience, which we have already successfully undertaken with a team of highly professional international managers.
Our historical previous experience with differing business cultures, behaviours and ethics will prove invaluable in prioritising matters involving company integration across a range of industry backgrounds.
Our experience profile will dovetail well with the following business scenarios:
- Company restructuring, business unit transfer or international establishment
- Company sale, where support is required for a period of times to management change
- Company consolidation/integration following an acquisition
- Short term major project/contract management
We are able to facilitate all gap management matters following shareholder or other party changes. We can make a full professional team available, if required and we have significant expertise in restructuring and can provide extensive coaching / motivation mentoring.
As interim manager located within your organisation, we will take full responsibility for actions and results and having a business ethic of transparency, quality and trust.